Tuesday, October 22, 2013

today i started a blog

My dad told us many times that if we learn one new thing a day, then we would end up learning 365 new things in a year. I think we may have done this sporadically over the dinner table years ago. But now that I've moved to another continent, this blog will be serve as an online replacement. A virtual dinner table, if you will :)


Yesterday was my birthday, and as most days with seemingly significant meanings attached to them, it got me thinking about what I've accomplished the past year.

The honest and blunt answer was: nothing much.

And so I cried. On my birthday. Not off to a good start, y'all.

After blaming hormones and calming them down with chocolates, the idea to start a blog came to me unbidden. I had a blog in my past life -- my "past life" being pre-MBA and pre-SK days -- and have been wanting to start writing again. Re-sharpen the rusty quill. I had also moved to one of the greatest cities in the world (Berlin!) earlier this year and have been out and about -- attending start-up talks, exploring cafes, joining workshops by etsy, taking photos, becoming a freelancer, and getting into CrossFit. I just couldn't find a theme to write about. So I put it off. Until my birthday hit, and all those uninvited existential questions gatecrashed my party. How rude.

But this is one time that I just might thank rudeness.

It was a good wake-up call. Who needs a theme anyway? I'll just write and see where it takes me. But the goal is to learn one new thing or "accomplish" one thing each day. (I'm using the term "accomplish" loosely here. Underachiever much? Lol.) These things can be random (and I suspect they will be in the beginning), but I hope I detect some sort of pattern in them and they point to something more significant.

And there you have the short history of a journal of accountability. I hope to see you around :)